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Getting Started Guide

Welcome to Trend! Here's how it works

 The Basics of Trend :

Trend is a content creation platform that connects you with talented creators who produce high-quality, fully licensed content for you.

On Trend, you don't search through databases or reach out cold to creators. We simplify things by having creators apply to work with you, with zero negotiations, and a simplified workflow. All while getting you licensed content to grow your brand.

We have a simple pay-as-you-go credit system to engage with creators. Creators apply to you and you choose the creators you want to work with. It's as simple as that! 

Creating Your Trend Campaign 💡


Your campaign sets the tone for the content you need. On Trend, you have the option for either photo OR video campaigns.

 Photo campaign: Receive 5 images

Video campaign: Receive 2 videos

The Campaign Brief is where you share guidelines and expectations. It's important to be descriptive and clear about what you're looking for from each creator. Keep in mind, you are hiring a creative and talented creator. Let them add their personal flair to make you something special and unique for your brand to repurpose.

Navigation Panel 🔍

The 'Navigation Panel' on the left side of your desktop login contains information to help you navigate Trend. The Navigation Panel includes:

  • Your Creator Credit balance and the " +" button to purchase more Creator Credits

  • Your current campaigns

  • Button to 'Create a Campaign'

  • 'Earn Free Credits' referral section

  • Trend Help Center

  • Account Settings

Creator Applications 🌠

Like a job posting, creators apply to work with you. Review creators based on the criteria you have available through Trend.

Messaging 📨

Building relationships is key in all types of business, including when working with influencers and creators. So, break the ice with creators via the messages tab on Trend!

Share your excitement about working with each creator, confirm they've read the campaign guidelines and their shipping address, update them when you've shipped your product, and congratulate them on a job well done. The folks you work with could end up being great ambassadors for your brand over the long run.

Shipping 🚚 & Tracking Your Products 📦

Address information is a part of each content creator's profile and is provided to you when they are activated on your campaign. Export the list of the addresses via the button in the top right of the tab (Download Shipping CSV).

Once you've messaged creators and shipped out the product, enter the tracking information for each creator on the 'Shipments Made' tab via the 'Mark as Shipped' button (see above). Once the product is delivered, the Trend software will assign a 7 day countdown. 

Content Approval Process 📸

The approval process is different based on the campaign that you're running:

Photo or Video Campaign: You have 168 hours (7 days) from when the content is uploaded by the creator to review and approve. Any content that hits the 168-hour mark will be 'auto-approved' by the Trend Software.

You're allowed 1 revision per content category per creator. It is critical that you include all of the information required to complete a post in your campaign guidelines for the creator to produce what you're looking for.

Downloading Content 🖼️

On Trend, once you approve the content, the licensing rights to the content are now yours!

You can hover over the content to download the approved content individually or you can download all approved content by clicking the 'download all' button.

Leverage the content produced for you on Trend in your paid ads (to 4X ROAS), email marketing, your brand homepage, your product page, your social channels, and however you see fit!


Put this content to work to grow your brand and outshine your competitors with social proof. 😎