What if I want to make changes to my edits?
soona is happy to offer re-edits on any purchased assets if your photos have already been delivered. follow these steps to submit a re-edit we'll deliver your updated gallery as soon as possible.
Can you adjust the background color to my brand color?
yes! you can change the background color yourself using soona’s AI Studio OR we are happy to change it for you with our editing services - you can share the HEX code or reference image you’d like to match in your editing notes or in a re-edit request if your photos have already been delivered.
Can you make the background solid white?
absolutely! you can change the background color using soona’s AI Studio or request that our editors do it for you with a $9 ‘pure white’ add-on.
Can you replace the background with a picture?
we would be happy to swap out the background. you can do this with soona’s AI Studio or request our editors do it for you with a $9 ‘photoshop it’ add-on. If you’d like us to handle it, please provide the photo to us at hey@soona.co and we’ll get started!
These photos look dull.
we always want to make your photos right for you. we can adjust the color/contrast to help bring your vision to life - submit a re-edit through these steps and we’ll deliver your updated gallery asap.
These photos are too dark.
we are happy to adjust the exposure for you. submit a re-edit through these steps and we’ll deliver your updated gallery asap.
The color of the products is not correct.
we always want to make your gallery right for you. our editing team can go back in and adjust the colors/tones through a re-edit. Please send along a reference image to match to hey@soona.co once you have submitted your request.
The shadow was removed.
we can add shadows back into your photos with a re-edit - just let us know that’s what you’d like to do in your notes and we’ll update your gallery as soon as possible.
Can we do a split-screen video?
yes, we can stitch two clips together with a $99 pro edit - see all video premium edits here.
Can we change the background color?
it is out of scope to change the background color in video assets but we are happy to make global adjustments to the color tone or exposure of your video assets.