As a brand manager, marketer, or e-commerce shop owner, you are likely tasked with creating compelling visual content that aligns with your brand identity. You may also feel like the volume of content needed is endless, but that the budget doesn’t always match the need. That’s why soona is introducing AI tools to help you do more with less. 


  • Create a larger volume of lifestyle content from your existing product photography using our AI Studio
  • Extend existing product photography using AI Props
  • Create new versions of one image by changing or removing background, adding shadows, etc. with Media Editor
  • Get insights on your Amazon and Shopify listings and instantly optimize your listing images via Listing Insights
  • Compare your listings to your competitors’ listings and uncover opportunities to improve with Competitive Analysis

At soona, AI is not a replacement for human creativity. It’s a supplementary tool to help you make more informed content decisions and extend the shelf life of your existing content. You can read our company’s commitment to Ethical Creative AI here.


Our AI Studio and AI Props tools can create realistic images, but are not immune to mistakes. Common issues with AI-generated imagery include:

  • Contextual inconsistencies such as objects that appear too small or large, or altogether unrealistic. This happens when the AI struggles to understand the relationships between different elements in an image. 
  • Some images may appear highly detailed, while others are blurry or pixelated. 
  • AI-generated images of people might have irregularities like extra fingers, distorted faces, or unnatural poses.
  • Complex backdrops in original images may not be entirely removed. Objects that appear translucent (glass, etc.) may also be misinterpreted by the AI.

For advice on how to create more realistic AI-generated images, check out these tips.


Similarly, the AI analytics behind our Listing Insights and Competitive Analysis tools don’t always produce perfect results. You may see occasional mistakes, including:

  • Misdiagnosis of a problem within a set of listing images. For example: Listing Insights could inaccurately flag a listing as missing an image that provides close-up detail of the product, even if a close-up image does exist. These tools use machine learning models that are trained on a large set of labeled images. Listing images that are very different from that set may be mislabelled due to the probabilistic output of the model.
  • Slight distortions of AI-upscaled listing images, new pure white background images or lifestyle images generated via Listing Insights.


We are always working to improve the quality and diversity of our training data to avoid mistakes. In the meantime, feel free to email if something doesn’t look right or if you have any feedback.